Voxel1 Solutions

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          Organization Level Services

          Voxel1 is committed to helping transform client’s BIM Process and working to reduce impediments in the short-term while also working on advancing mapping solutions.

          Project Level Services

          High-quality, project-specific BIM Deliverables are developed by our expert engineers to help manage the day-to-day design, construction, and maintenance activities.

          BIM360 Implementation Services

          Manage your BIM data and workflows through the cloud-based BIM360 Implementation. Explore various BIM360 modules to enhance collaboration and project management from design through handover.

          BIM Application Development Services

          Explore various automation possibilities in your existing BIM workflows. Enhance your team’s productivity with custom-built APIs and Dynamo Scripts developed by our development team.

          BIM Training & Handholding Services

          Voxel1BIM training courses are developed to ensure the trainees receive the BIM knowledge beyond software.

          Digitial Twin Services

          Achieve an end-to-end integrated virtual model of the facility that enables data-driven decision-making during operations and maintenance.

          Voxel1 Solutions Private Limited

          Voxel1 Solutions is established with a vision to lead the AEC industry towards the much-needed technology upgrade and help clients benefit from the highly efficient workflows using 3D Data.

          You think it - We BIM it

          We are a team of passionate designers, engineers, process managers, and developers working towards customer satisfaction and project success as a priority. We take a highly agile approach towards defining custom solutions and BIM workflows for our client and project needs.


          Established and managed by a professional team who dedicated their whole career towards utilizing emerging technologies for the AEC industry for better efficiency and quality control.

          Delivery Methodology

          Approaching BIM Transformation with Voxel1 the methodology ensures success with a range of benefits through the implementation journey.

          Assessment, Development & Adoption

          Capture & Analyse client’s requirements to help develop the next steps of implementation. Prepare the groundwork required at both the technology level as well as the process level before initiation of the adoption. Provide required training sessions for staff at all levels and kick-start the project.

          Engagement Methodology

          Collaborating with a BIM team is made easier than ever with a fully documented approach for our client’s convenience.

          Our Process

          Our collaboration starts with understanding the project requirements and client requirements to help Voxel1 BIM develop a detailed technical and commercial proposal.

          A thorough understanding of the client’s expectations will result in scope and deliverable definition done by the Voxel1 BIM team. Some of the key items typically discussed at this stage of the project stage are category, configuration, scale, schedule, milestones, etc.

          Voxel1 team takes lead in communicating the process and timelines with all project stakeholders and organizes the required meetings to get the project kicked off as per the timelines.

          All project-specific milestones and delivery timelines are defined and mutually agreed upon as part of the contracting stage. Voxel1 BIM team deploys additional resources based on the project requirements to ensure timely delivery.

          Careers @ Voxel1

          We are always on the lookout for like-minded BIM professionals to join our team.

          Please share your cv/portfolio at jobs@voxel1.com

          Open Positions

        • BIM Specifics

          BIM Specifics is Voxel1’s own initiative to develop a knowledge base of the concepts and various processes involved in implementing BIM at all scales. We are on a mission to enable the construction industry to become highly efficient and technologically advanced. 

          Learn Everything about BIM

  • Portfolio

Coordination Standards

Coordinating various disciplines using BIM Work-flow requires the team to follow specific set of standards early in the process.

Assuming that the models are developed by using the appropriate BIM Modeling Standards (previously discussed) and using standards specific to BIM coordination will make the process efficient and productive.

Coordination Software

Software features required for BIM Coordination are very different from the ones needed for modeling. Selected software should have the capability to seamlessly communicate 3D Models with the modeling tool and having a live link is ideal to coordinate model updates. Identifying the right coordination software to bring all discipline models into one 3D Integrated BIM Model and identify and document the various design issues that are in the project is the first step.

Model Conversion Standards

BIM Design coordination is an iterative process involving repetition of coordination exercise multiple times during this process. Defining and documenting the process and formats of converting BIM Models for Coordination will help avoid confusing at every iteration.

File Sharing Standards

Sharing information openly to all project stake holders is a critical step taken toward succeeding in a BIM project. Organizing a cloud based folder structure (FTP etc ) with right permission levels to all team members to share models through out the project will enable efficient coordination. Also, document the frequency of file sharing in such a way that all team members are working on the same version of design at all times.

Meeting Schedules

BIM Coordination is a true collaborative exercise and requires the team to meet either virtually or physically at one location to carryout the coordination exercise. Typical project coordination meetings are organized every 2 weeks to ensure that major issues identified early in the process. Providing access to the models 1 day before the meeting will help the team to prepare the files required.

Issue Prioritization/Clash Detection

Every project during early coordination activities will identify several issues (clashes) and it can get overwhelming for the team to manage. A clash detection matrix documenting the issue prioritization will help organize this process into various iterations and also avoid ripple effect of clashes. Typical practice involves identifying issues between larger and less flexible elements such as structure vs. gravity driven pipe work etc.

Issue Documentation & follow-up

Documenting multiple issues identified at various meetings is important. This will enable the team to understand the progress made and also monitor the status of each individual issue (resolved, pending etc) and the responsible parties to help define follow up activities accordingly.

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